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Root Canal Treatment NYC

Do You Need a Root Canal Treatment in NYC?

For many just a thought of A root canal treatment brings anxiety. But what if we tell you that root canals are one of the most effective ways to relieve severe tooth pain and save an infected tooth? Lets discuss the signs and symptoms that may indicate that you need a root canal along with treatment steps and possible complications. No time to read? Schedule a free consultation with a top-rated NYC root canal specialist to find out if root canal therapy is the right treatment for you.

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What is Root Canal?

Root canal therapy or RCT is a dental procedure used to treat severe dental pain and infection caused by dead nerve or infected root canal, a condition called pulpitis.

root canal treatment nyc

Root canal development stages from decay to pulpitis

During root canal treatment our NYC endodontists use cutting edge technology and latest techniques to reach into the infected pulp (a channel inside the tooth filled with nerve and blood vessels), removing infected nerve and any remaining soft tissue before sealing the root canal and applying a filling called, gutta percha. Removal of the infected nerve stops the toothache and further spread of the infection. If left untreated the infection can spread into the jaw bone and may result in the need of extraction.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

Now that you understand what a root canal is, let’s answer the burning question: Do you need one? If you experience any of the following symptoms: gum swelling, sensitivity to hot or cold, throbbing tooth pain, especially when touched, it may be time to visit a root canal specialist for an evaluation. Our team of top-rated NYC endodontists, led by Dr. Steven Lipner, use latest technology to perform root canal procedure, providing patients with the highest level of dental care and according to our patient testimonials pain free.

Root Canal Symptoms

Some of root canal symptoms can be subtle, while others may require immediate dental treatment. Paying close attention to your dental health and recognizing these symptoms early can save you from many dental issues later on.

Persistent Tooth Pain

One of the most obvious signs is ongoing tooth pain. The toothache might come and go, but it will likely worsen when you chew or apply pressure to the infected tooth. It may radiate from the tooth to your jaw, ear, or face, making it impossible to ignore.

Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Have you ever sipped a hot coffee or bitten into ice cream only to feel a sharp, lingering discomfort afterward? While minor temperature sensitivity is common, if the sensitivity persists long after the trigger has been removed, it could signal nerve damage or pulp inflammation.

Tooth Discoloration

A natural tooth darkening or turning gray could mean the nerve inside is dying. Dental trauma or a previous injury to the tooth could also be the cause, discoloration is a telltale sign that you should see your dentist to determine if a root canal procedure is needed.

Swollen or Tender Gums

Swelling, tenderness, or small pimples on your gums near the problem tooth can indicate an infection in the pulp. In some cases, pus may be oozing out of the gum near surrounding teeth, is a sign of an abscess indicating need for RCT.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth, Deep Tooth Decay

A cracked or chipped tooth—whether from an injury, biting something too hard, deep tooth decay or even previous dental work—can expose the nerve in the roots. Bacteria can then infect the pulp and resulting in need of a root canal to save it.

Nerve Damage from Sinus Infection

In some cases a sinus infection can cause nerve damage in your upper teeth. The proximity of the sinuses to the root tips of your upper teeth means that when your sinuses get infected they can put pressure on the surrounding nerves. This can cause dental pain even though the tooth is healthy. If left untreated the sinus inflammation can get worse and potentially lead to complications that may require a RCT. If you’re having persistent toothache along with sinus issues you should consult your dental specialist to rule out nerve involvement.

Idiopathic Reasons

In some cases a root canal may be required for idiopathic reasons, unknown reasons, where the cause of the nerve damage or dental pain is unclear, where both patient and dentist are left scratching their heads.

Root Canal treatment NYC | Why Root Canal is Done?

Root Canal Process

Root canal process follows the same dental procedures, regardless of which dental office you go to. The only difference is which tools & technologies will your doctor uses. For example our Midtown Manhattan specialists use Endodontic Microscope which enables them to find even hidden canals that are often missed. Before you start the process, our New York City root canal specialist will take dental X-ray of the affected tooth to assess the extent of the damage and ensure root canal procedure is the best option for you. Once your root canal process begins, you can expect the following:

  1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is injected into the gums to numb the nerves, helping eliminate any pain you might feel during the procedure. Most patients can easily handle root canals under local anesthesia, some even fall asleep during treatment with our top endodontists in NYC. However, if you get anxious during dental treatment we offer “laughing gas” or nitrous oxide to make it easy for you, oral sedation is also available. We can discuss the best anesthesia for you during your Free Consultation.
  2. Placing a dental rubber dam: Once you’re numb, our doctor will place a rubber dam over the area, isolating the tooth and ensuring it stays dry during the treatment.
  3. Making an access hole: The next step is to create a small opening in the tooth’s natural crown so the doctor can access the pulp.
  4. Removing the pulp: Your doctor will use small dental tools to remove the nerves, tissue and blood vessels in the tooth.
  5. Cleaning: Once your doctor has removed the pulp, he will clean, disinfect and shape the root canals and pulp chamber.
  6. Filling: Once the the canals are cleaned of any live tissue and infection, the doctor will fill the space with a flexible, rubbery material called gutta-percha. Final dental x-ray is then taken to confirm that the fill is perfect, no voids and does not pass the apex.
  7. Temporary filling or core build up: Our NYC specialists will complete the work inside the tooth by placing either a temporary filling (IRM) or a permanent filling, called core build up. This will seal the tooth and preventing bacteria from finding their way back inside. However, neither filling is considered a final restoration after a root canal treatment was performed.
  8. Final restoration: To protect the tooth, you will need to get a permanent restoration, dental crown to add protection and restore your bite. For this last step, you will be referred back to your general dentist, if you do not have one we can recommend an excellent dentist for you, who may even accept your dental insurance.

Root canal therapy steps:



Rated 5 out of 5
June 20, 2019

Dr. Lipner was very calm, gentle and kind during my root canal procedure. The experience caused me no pain at all during or after it was finished, exceeding my expectations and worries! I would highly recommend Dr. Lipner to patients who appreciate a good bedside manner, you will surely be taken care of well.

Rated 5 out of 5
June 20, 2019

Painless root canal during and after. Not an ounce of soreness or swelling. . I think I was more sore after a cleaning.. He is truly a root canal guru. I hope not, but if I need another root canal I would definitely go to him again . Best endo out there.

Agnes Mor


Root Canal Before and After

Root canal NYC


Root Canal and Crown

Placing a crown after root canal treatment is most often considered the best restoration to protect the tooth after procedure. Why is it important to do so? After the pulp chamber is cleaned the tooth no longer has blood supply, thus it becomes more brittle & susceptible to fractures. Placing a dental crown will insure that tooth is well protected from secondary infection and also your ability to enjoy any foods without fear of accidentally biting something hard and breaking it. In a way it is your insurance that money and time you spent on root canal treatment is not wasted.

Here is a sad anecdote, during COVID-19 closures only “essential dentistry” was allowed to be performed, i.e. management of pain, mostly root canals and extractions. Dental crowns were excluded form this list of dental procedures. Guess what happed to many of those patients who were not able to complete this final step? They ended up coming back for extractions with broken teeth.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

Depending on the severity of the infection, there may be discomfort and sometimes pain. Dr. Lipner and his assistant work hard to ensure you remain comfortable throughout your procedure and undergo pain free root canal procedure, as evident from many reviews left by his happy patients.

Dr. Lipner’s root canal procedure was painless and he took great care and precision throughout the entire procedure telling me what he was doing. – Ricky

Dr. Lipner took his time every step of the way to make sure that I wasn’t experiencing any pain. – Jordan

The entire procedure was, believe it or not, completely pain free! I left the office visit with some scripts for strong pain relievers but ended up not needing them at all. – Lily

What to Consider When Looking For a Doctor?

Both general dentist and endodontist can perform RCT and other endodontic procedures. The price of the endodontic treatment will vary between New York City endodontists vs general dentists. To make the right decision, consider that an root canal can only be performed once. If it fails the next step is to retreat the root canal, do an apicoectomy (surgical removal of the infection at the root tip of the tooth), and if all fails extraction. Unfortunately, root canals can fail, more often on the molars. In our practice we have retreated many root canals, often because other doctors miss an extra canal and patients end up in pain and with new infection.

If you are not sure if root canal therapy is the way to go check out Alternatives to a Root Canal or schedule a free consultation to discuss your endodontic treatment plan and oral health concerns with our highly skilled endodontists.

hear what our clients have to say

Midtown Endodontist NYC is conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan. We are open 7 days a week serving our Manhattan patients. We accept many major dental insurances making endodontic treatments affordable. Hundreds of great reviews across the web are evidence that our patients think of us as the best endodontists in NYC!

Root Canal Cost in NYC

There are several factors affecting the root canals cost in New York City. The most common factors that will determine the cost:

  • the number of the roots in the tooth (1 to 4)
  • who is performing the endodontic treatment, general dentist or specialist
  • the skills and experience of the treating dentist
  • the location, e.g. Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, etc.

How Much Does Root Canal Cost with Insurance in NYC?

If you are going to see an in-network dentist or endodontist, cost of root canals will be determined by the insurance contract. Our doctors participate with major dental insurance companies.

How Much Does Root Canal Cost without Insurance in NYC?

Root Canal treatment cost without Insurance in New York City with an endodontist typically starts at $1100.


How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

A root canals typically take about 60 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the complexity and the extent of infection. In some cases, two visits may be required for more complicated treatments.

Root Canal Complications

While root canals are generally safe and effective, complications can occasionally arise and sometimes a failed root canal treatment can happen. These may include infection if bacteria remain inside the tooth, a fracture or crack in the treated tooth, or incomplete removal of the infected pulp. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to materials used in the procedure or persistent pain due to nerve inflammation can occur. Sometimes an extra canal maybe present and due to differentiation in anatomy they are often missed. Our Manhattan office is equipped with endodontic microscope to prevent such situations as much as possible.

Author: Dr. Steven Lipner

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Midtown Endodontist NYC